Helping you make a fresh start for a better new year


Helping you make a fresh start for a better new year

The old adage ‘New Year New Job’ will resonate with many, especially those who may be ready for a change and considering their hopes and prospects for the future. 


For solicitors who are feeling burned out, unfulfilled or discontented, and have reached the point where they need a fresh start, we may be able to support their next move. We also help unemployed solicitors trying to get back into work, whether in the profession or outside it. 


For those in the legal profession wanting to change their career direction, help is at hand from our partner Renovo, a specialist provider of career transition support. 


Through the Renovo Career Coaching programme, struggling solicitors can be helped to get back on their feet. Its service includes: 

  • One-to-one coaching 
  • A Comprehensive e-learning platform 
  • Emotional and wellbeing support from BACP accredited counsellors.

Renovo job search techniques and methods will help solicitors become more successful in today’s competitive job market. From assessing skills and choosing the right next step, to building strong CVs, and transforming interview performance, clients will get the expert support they need. 


The Renovo website also features informative insights – such as this one looking at Stephen Covey’s strategy for dealing with difficulties at work, at 


If you’re not sure of your next move, talk to us at The Solicitors’ Charity.  

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